Who Do You Think You Are?

Hiya peeps! I was planning to post something yesterday (trying to keep the consistency), but I was soooooooo tired. On the bright side, at least we are back on the original blog schedule:) So let's begin w/ the random prompt from our "300 Writing Prompts" journal ⇓

It is been said, "You are what eat." Rewrite that phrase: "You are what you ______."

  If I were to rewrite that phrase, I would say "You are what you think." Every person decides who they are. If you think that you are kind, then you'll treat people with kindness which makes you kind. If you think you are great baker, you'll bake delicious, well-made pastry and breads which makes you a great baker (hungry writer here). One scripture in the Bible states, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he*." Your thoughts prompt your actions, and your actions reveal your thoughts. Your actions will effect your reality and others' perception of you. If you think your aren't worthy of love, then your reality will reflect that. So who do you think you are? Does that person reflect who you want to be? Or most importantly does that person reflect who God says you are? If not, then there are some thoughts that need pruning to make room for His truth.

Yay! 2nd journal prompt complete👏 I think that I'll make a minimum of at least one paragraph to answer some of these prompts. I like having these, because it provides some meat to each post. I don't want to just write about Brooke spray painting wagons or going to AP class. I want each reader to leave with a seed. If my purpose behind having a blog is just for my pleasure, then I shouldn't have one at all. So that's that.

Today I watched Sing (love that movie) w/ the fam at 1:00 am, washed dishes till 2 am, then went to sleep after eating watermelon because why not. Woke up at 10:30 am (sleeping is precious), and watched an old home video that made me laugh really hard. Washed my hair and attempted a twist out (I think I've succeeded!). Drank a root beer float and played Sing It (fav song: Chemicals React) and watched my sis + friend play Boogie Superstar which is just as silly as it sounds. So that's my day so far. Oh, and I wrote a blog:)

Randomly, I'm getting braids soon, and I want to add some color to them. I tied between a lavender or light blue. Comment below your vote + any other pretty colors! + I got a book bag! Bye bye bye back pain😏

SOTD: Don't Have To Feel Sorry (feat. John Givez + Darrein Safron) by Gawvi

So that's basically what going on w/ Brookie:) Thanks for commenting + sharing! Adios amigos👋

* Proverbs 23:7


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