Give Your All Or Nothing

Alana bounded out of her car. She trekked to the mammoth building in front of her. ‘I could be on my bed binging Netflix right now, but instead I'm going to help Dallas clean up the streets. Ugh…’ Alana complained,’How come I can never say no to him. Well, I made a promise.’ She trudged towards the colossal door. Here goes nothing.

“Hey, Alana! Are you ready to get your hands dirty? Literally?” Dallas chuckled,”Just kidding. We’ll be wearing gloves.” “Ha, hilarious. So when do we start,” Alana sarcastically retorted. “Someones not having a good day. Well, I’m sure this will put will soon improve it. We will be going to Exit 4 and Exit 6, so it won’t be that bad,” he explained. “Two exits! Are we really walking? she grumbled,”And why are we at this company anyway?” “This company is actually a non-profit, called TeenHop. They organized this highway trash cleaning event and are supplying all the materials. We aren’t walking due to the vans, which they are providing, that will drive us from exit to exit. Are you okay, Alana? Is something really bothering you?” Dallas asked concerned. “Nothing, if you like picking up trash,” Alana mumbled. “ 2 Corinthians 9:7 says,’Let each man do according as he hath purposed in his heart: not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.’ I feel like you’re doing this grudgingly, so you can leave. Thanks for coming anyway though.” Dallas pointed out. “I can really leave? Are you sure, Dallas? I mean I don’t mind helping...’ she lied. “I can tell that you don’t want to be here, so please go. You won’t do your best, and I don’t want you to give the Lord a shameful offering. Good-bye, Alana.” Dallas insisted. “Um, okay. Bye, Dallas!” Alana cheerfully fare-welled.

As soon as she reached her car, Alana felt guilt creeping in. Should she have left? Was that the right thing to do? Lost in thought, she pulled over to a fast food stop and took out her Bible. Alana randomly flipped through the pages, and read the first words her eyes saw. “But what think ye? A man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said…..”

“Alana, I’m so happy you came back and changed your attitude. What happened?” Dallas happily inquired. “I opened my Bible and read Matthew 21:28-31. It’s a great story!” Alana answered. “Ah, the Parable of the Two Sons. One of my favorites.” he chirped. “After I read it, I wanted to help. My attitude just reversed!” she explained. “Wow! Glory to God!” Dallas rejoiced,” After all that trash collecting, I feel like some ice cream. You up for it?” “Sure! It’ll be my treat!” Alana replied.  

When Alana read the Parable of the Two Sons, her whole attitude changed, and she wanted to give a cheerful offering. There are times when some of us don’t want to do something but still go through with it. We don’t give our best and have sour attitudes, just like Alana. Remember 2 Corinthians 9:7. The Lord like a cheerful giver, and doesn’t want us to give at all if we act like that. So repent,change your attitude, and give your best offering.


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