Grocery Trip Lessons & Missed Pics

Hellloooo readers! I hope y'all all had a fantaboulous Monday (it's possible w/ a positive attitude lol). Today I woke up this morning, cooked some citrus french toast for the fam (thanks auntie for the recipe!), sat in the sun while my big sis practiced parallel parking, went grocery shopping, cooked dinner (Smoked Salmon Cucumber Salad w/ fresh corn, cilantro, tomatoes, feta cheese, and french ground pepper), and watch a movie w/ the sibs. What did you do today?

I mentioned I went grocery shopping today, and I though that I should add the funny scenario that happened. So we usually shop at Aldi's, which I love but they don't always have everything I have on my list. For example, this was my list today (usually on notes on my phone):

However, Aldi's didn't have canned salmon (family recipe not my preference), corn starch (idek), and pie crust (like really? they ALWAYS have pie crust). So yours truly had to improvise😌 Instead of salmon patties, I bought some smoked salmon to add to the salad and ask my dad if we could stop by Tar-jay (I don't actually call it that lol). Target is the most organized mess I have ever encountered. It took us 15 minutes to find the corn starch, which was ironically it the Spices isle (not the Flour & Sugar😒). But it was worth it, because my sis found a gift in that isle that the Flour & Sugar could have never graced use with ('cause mi hermana's name is Gracelyn haha).  G found a bag of Hi-Chews😭 Of course, I had to buy them because they are so amazing, which is why my dad and little bro are now Hi-Chews obsessed lol. Best. Decision. Ever. After that, we searched for pie crust, because unless someone teaches me face to face how to make pie crust I refuse to make it solo. We finally found the pie crust after another 15 minutes of searching thankfully and were out of there. Imagine spending 30+ minutes in a grocery store for a grand total of two items? What if I had a whole grocery list and completed it at that same rate lol?! It was worth it tho, because the pie crust is already rolled and crimped, so the quiche will be a lot prettier than usual. Sometimes longer paths lead to greater treasures like Hi-Chews and crimped pie crusts haha. I just wanted to share that little life lesson wrapped in a grocery trip story.

The Smoked Salmon Cucumber Salad was delicious (definite keeper), and everyone loved it! But I forgot to take a picture😱 It was so beautiful too:( It's a very simple recipe of gutted (layman's terms) cubed cucumber and tomatoes, finely chopped cilantro, flash cooked fresh corn (little heat and olive oil), sliced red onion, feta cheese, and salt and freshly ground pepper to preference. And let's not forgot the smoked salmon, which is the crown ingredient of the dish! The next time I make it I'll be sure to take a pic and share on BB👍

You have noticed that dessert for this Thursday's dish is pavlova, which is a meringue-like cake thingy. It's pretty much a giant meringue usually served with fresh whipped cream and fruit. That's what the corn starch was for. Here's a pic of the internet:

It's so gorgeous! If all goes well you'll see it in the next post:) I love meringue and insta-worthy desserts, so I'm very excited to take a crack at this one! 

#SOTD: Tree Tops by nobigdyl

And our #scriptureoftheday..... *drumroll*

So that's basically what's happening w/ Brookie! Thanks for reading + sharing + commenting lol:) Bye and bye guys👋


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