These last few weeks have been EXTRAORDINARY. And that's a word that I don't use lightly lol. Since I’ve last blogged, 

• “Cookin’ With Brookie” released on Nov. 15! Order your copy today thru me for a discounted price @ or on Amazon📚

• We had a launch party to celebrate on Nov. 24! Check out the pictures📸 on 

• The fall school semester ended! Thank the Lord😅

• Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Chanukah slid thru the calendar! And let me tell you, the holiday season was mighty kind to me😏

• We joined a gym! Gotta work that turkey and sweet potato pie off somehow lol

• IT SNOWED LIKE 4 INCHES! Not that I’m complaining😉❄️
 • It's officially 2018! Woo-woo! *fireworks* 


• Gracelyn and I went on 104.7 The Fish as guest talking about TeenHop and our books!

It’s been crazy, but a blast for first semester of senior year. I’ve barely had time to blog and tell you all surprises😆 Since I’ve been off for TOO long, I’ll recap all those highlights in detail!

First thing first,
“Cookin’ With Brookie”!

If you haven’t seen it on insta....
Wait, stop! That means you’re not following me😱
PSA: Follow me on insta @brooke.samaryan!

As I was saying, “Cookin’ With Brookie” is a cook/workbook that teaches those who are inexperienced in the kitchen how to make easy, delicious meals! I­t­ cover everything from grocery shopping within a budget, cooking lingo, editing a recipe to your desires, and so much more! And the recipes! Oh, the recipes! From breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, desserts, and drinks, you’ll never lack in options😉 I’ve been working on this for awhile, and I’m delighted with how it turned out. And it’s all for you guys! To order your copy today, ‘cause I know your mouth is watering just thinking about those recipes, contact me at for a discounted price just for the holiday season! This is a perfect Christmas/Chanukah/“I’m sorry you got snowed in” gift! You can also purchase it through Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and other retailers. Thank-you in advance for buying your copy and supporting me!

ALSO Gracelyn published two, mind-blowing planners for teens! Order “Ambition On Fleek” for girls and “Just Achieve It!” for boys thru, Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and other retailers😆

Second to bat,

My fam is literally known for throwing parties, so you know we HAD to have a launch party celebrating the release of “Cookin’ With Brookie”, “Ambition On Fleek”, and “Just Achieve It!”. It was amazing! Gracelyn did a presentation explaining the importance of having tools, like a planner, to outline and guide your life goals and plans! Our friends, Jasmine (played the cello), Glory (danced), Liberty (danced), and Daivaugn (photographer), showcased their artistic abilities throughout the program. I completed a cooking demonstration of some of the recipes in “Cookin’ With Brookie” which included SAMPLES  and the help of my sous chef and friend, Daigon! We ended the release with a powerful prayer and a toast of Specialty Pomegranate Martinelli!
(Martinelli sound bite)

Of course, we had to have an after party! We had a feast of grilled hotdogs, chips, cotton candy, s’mores, and more candy lol. Our guest enjoyed this meal around a bonfire during an awesome jam session full of singing (I see you G, Titus, Sydney, Tristan, Kailer, Jozeph, Daivaughn, Daigon, and Jasmine) and guitar playing (again Jasmine, Jozeph, and Daivaugn)! This was especially exhilarating, because I was functioning on 3 hrs of sleep😂

All in all, it was a blast! Now let me give credit/thanks where’s it’s due.
Thanks mom for being the mastermind and boss lady behind every party!
Thanks dad and T for being the BEST helpers!
Thanks G for contributing such an important of the release!
Thanks Jasmine and Amber for helping me roll 100+ mini taquitos at 2:00 am and such much more!
Thanks again Jasmine for playing your cello so beautifully during the release and your guitar after!
Thanks Daivaugn for being such an awesome photographer and playing your guitar as well after the release!
Thanks Daigon for being such a amazing sous chef and keeping the taquitos from falling!
Thanks Grandma for your powerful prayer that closed the party!

And last but not least thank-you to EVERYONE who came out to support and buy “Cookin’ With Brookie”, “Ambition On Fleek”, and/or “Just Achieve It!”. We love you all!
If you haven’t purchase “Cookin’ With Brookie”, “Ambition On Fleek”, and/or “Just Achieve It!”, then contact me at to receive an invoice! Remember that you’ll get a discounted price and a signed copy if you purchase it directly through me!

Next in line,

Thank the Lord God Almighty! I’m free at last! I mentioned to you guys about the beginning of the fall semester many times, but who knew i­t­ would end so quickly😄 I'm just so happy, because it means that I have more time to blog! The Spring semester is much more forgiving, because I'm focusing on some different subject matters. I had a great month-long winter break, but it time to get back to work! I was getting too lazy lol. 

Next up,

I love Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Chanukah! It's a great time of year to spend time with family, thank God for all your blessings, and stuff you face😂 However, when describing how good the holiday season has been, you don't use words. You use pictures! As a member of the Leath family, I can say we do not disappoint with the amount of pictures we take in general. Here's a slideshow of Christmas 2k18!

Next, Next up,

I've always been a slim-ish person (usually depending whenever I develop a 3-month pregnancy belly after Chipotle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), but something happened to me during the months of November and December. Guys, let's just say Brooke ate good this holiday lol. For you out there concerned that I am being irrational about my current "shape" and our scoff at the thought of Brooke saying she's fat, scoff all you want because I agree with you! I'm not fat, but something's wrong w/ me if I can run up stairs without going out of breath. I am the world's definition of healthy (as in slim-ish) , however in the real health world I'm out of "shape". And slightly bloated from my overconsumption of cheese and cookies😂 That's why I had to change my habits. Nothing's wrong with eating a little more during the season, but Brooke can just chill on the couch and expect to keep this figure. In fact my whole family was feeling - literally and mentally - the SAME way, so we joined a gym! AND I REALLY LIKE IT! Especially treadmills. We've done belly dancing classes, Zumba, kickboxing, the Stairmaster *cringe*, weights, and all that fun gym-ie stuff that you see in the movies. Except more with more sweat and strangers lol. I'm also on a diet/fast called the Daniel Fast. If you're not familiar with the Daniel Fast, here's a little info to help clear the cloud of confusion. According to Wikipedia (a source is a source no matter how unfaithful lol), "the Daniel Fast is a spiritually motivated diet based on the Biblical Book of Daniel, and commonly refers to a 10- or 21-day abstinence from foods declared unclean by God in the Laws of Moses." The Daniel Fast that my family is participating is mostly inspired by the fast Daniel and his colleague participated in to prove that God was their source of sustenance compared to Nebuchadnezzar's worldly power. While Daniel and his friends ate drank only vegetables and water, Nebuchadnezzar's men ate from the king's portion. By the end of the test, Daniel and his friends looked healthier compared to the king of Babylon's men. That's my background on the Daniel fast. But I don't "just do" the Daniel Fast, because of that story. Fasting is an opportunity to draw closer to God by becoming dependent to Him for your strength and sustenance. Fasting also goes hand-in-hand with praying. So the Daniel Fast is another chance for my family to focus on God through dietary discipline and prayer. In our version of the Daniel Fast (there's a few variations), there's no meat, no dairy, no white rice, no white flour, no potatoes, and no sugar. This fast has definitely helped with discipline and depending on God when I reallllyyyy want to eat chocolate. Or in other words, this experience is a chance for me to lean and trust on Him when my flesh wants but my spirit is saying NO. In addition to that aspect, it has allowed me to truly focus on what I'm thinking about and honoring with my actions. It's not easy, but it's a challenge. The other day, I saw a church sign that said ,"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." That's exactly what the Daniel Fast is ⟹ challenging, but causing a greater change inside me.

Batter up,

Last year was a explosion of weather phenomenons. That's a bit discomforting and amazing. There was hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, volcano eruptions, and so much more. To top it off, North Georgia had a pretty spectacular snow day. 

Almost done,
HAPPY 2018!

Since it's been a "new year" for 15 days, let's just skimp on the details! We went to a wonderful church service and drank Martinelli while listening to Martinelli by Wordsplayed ft. Andy Mineo lol. Btw check of Andy Mineo & Wordsplayed latest album "Magic & Bird"🙏


Both my brother and my dad's birthday was this month! So let's just so more love thru the world wide web and wish them and happy birthday month! Love you both😘

T's Open Mic Party was lit! I pinky promise to post pictures and vids soon!

Last but not least,

Ive been listening to this radio station since I was a fetus, so this was a mind-blowing experience! We got to meet the staff, and they let the Leath fam do a shout out for The Fish Christmas Wish announcement😆 Gracelyn and I did a Community Lighthouse segment talking about TeenHOP and the release of our books. It was such a great opportunity!

If you would like to listen to the Community Lighthouse broadcast with Gracelyn and I, just keep your eyes peeled 

That's basically what's been up w/ your busy girl Brookie! It's been a wonderful beginning, and I can't want to see what God has in store for the remainder of 2018! xoxo


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