True Forgiveness

“So that’s what happened yesterday night with Alana and me. God revealed to me later on that day what I needed to do, but I still don’t want to forgive her…” Dallas spilled. “Are you still upset about missing the game? Or are you still holding on to multiple things from the past?” Arthur inquired, as he looked down at his phone. “It’s not just the game, Art. She completely ignored my feelings, and continued to work slowly in the line! I even asked her to work faster, but she gave up and went even slower...She always does that...I mean, there has been to many time where she has completely blocked out how I felt and continued doing her own thing,” Dallas answered. “I have to ask you...when Alana worked faster, did she have any problems?” Art pressed, typing on his phone. “I guess...she said that she kept messing up the dinner sets at my pace,” Dallas mumbled. “Why was she concerned about messing up the dinner sets?” Arthur added. “She didn’t want the kids to have messed up dinners,” Dallas admitted. “Dallas, Alana considered your ideas, and even tried them, but she couldn’t get the job done right. She also considered how you felt, but must have been considering how the kids felt more,” Art explained. “He’s right, Dallas. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I didn’t want hurt the kids either,” Alana added, as she peeked into the office. “Alana! What are you doing here?” Dallas blurted. “Art invited me…” she answered, as Dallas shot Arthur a surprised look. “Dallas, we needed an intervention. It seems that you know you should forgive Alana, but you don’t know how to. Not with your own strength, anyway," Arthur explained.  "Then who strength am I supposed to rely on?" Dallas asked. "The Lord’s." Art replied, with a smile.

“We all know that forgiving is hard, right?” Art asked. “Yeah,” Dallas and Alana said in unison. “And we all know it is necessary to forgive, so that we can be forgiven?” Arthur continued. “Sure,” they agreed. “As I was saying before, with our own strength we can really forgive one another. We must reply on the Lord’s to help us truly forgive. When I mean truly forgive, I’m talking no grudges, no revenge. The only way to truly forgive is to ask the Holy Spirit touch you and help you forgive that person. It’s also good to ask God to bless those who wronged you. Then let it go and give it to the Lord,” Art taught,” Do you want to try, Dallas?” “Just guide me through the prayer. I’m ready,” Dallas answered. “ Please guide me in the prayer too, Arthur. There’s some people in my life that I need to forgive,” Alana admitted. “There’s no shame in that. I plan to pray about some people that I need to forgive, while I’m here. In fact, I think Sunday message should be centered around this very topic. Now repeat after me….” Arthur instructed.

Everyone hold grudges, even after we “forgive” one another. To truly forgive, we need to ask the Lord to touch our hearts and have mercy on those who have wronged us, just like in the Lord’s Prayer*.

Here is the prayer that Arthur prayed with Alana and Dallas:

Dear Holy Spirit,
Please touch my heart and a fill me with the mercy of God
Help me forgive those who had wrong
Please bless them and show them Your love
Please forgive me for my sins against You
Thank-you for helping me forgive others just like You forgave Me
Please help me love Your people as you have loved me
And treat people the way You want me to treat them
In Jesus name,

*Matthew 6:9

Here's a song that goes with the theme of the story: 


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