Too Good To Be True


“Dallas, are you sure I’m up for this? I mean, I’ve never witnessed to strangers alone before,” Alana frowned. "That’s okay. This will be more practice for the future then. Beside this is what we were called to do: Spread the good news! Don’t be nervous. You have the Lord, and he will protect you and guide you!” Dallas exclaimed. “Okay, Dallas. Let’s go, before I change my mind. Lord give me strength!" she pleaded,” Here goes nothing!”

Dallas looked at the small crowd near the bus stop and pinpointed a college student. “Hey, Alana. I’ve already found my first witness. Don’t be afraid! See you later!” Dallas consoled, as he walked toward the young man. “But Dallas! I don’t know…,” Alana trailed off, but it was too late. Dallas was already in a deep conversation with the young gentleman. Ugh! How was she suppose to do this alone? Suddenly she heard an audible voice say aloud,”You are never alone, for I am always with you!” She slowly walked toward an older woman with a frustrated frown. He is with me, He is with me, He is with me….

“So you’re telling me, if I accept Jesus into my life, and ask  God to forgive my sins, I can be sinless and get into heaven,” the woman, named Ruth, echoed. “Yes ma’am. He did the same for me.” Alana shared. “But that’s too good to be true! Why would God just forgive my sins? I’ve done a lot of horrible things in my lifetime,” Ruth justified. “That why He sent his Son to die for your sins, so that you don’t have too. So you’re right. It’s too good to be true news!” Alana exclaimed. “I’ll think about that, sweetie. Thank-you though for talking with me. I needed the company. Ohh, there’s my bus. Bye.” Ruth politely excused. “Bye, Ruth. Oh, and I go to the church down at Pearl Road, on the corner! God Bless You!” Alana shouted, hoping Ruth had heard her.

“How did it go, Alana? I saw you talking to the older woman, and you seemed to be doing well,” Dallas asked. “Not as well as I hoped. She didn’t give her life to Christ,” Alana replied downheartedly. “So, you still shared crucial information. Just because she didn’t give her life now doesn’t mean she isn’t going to later on. Just pray that she will before it’s too late,” Dallas encouraged. “Thanks, Dallas. I appreciate the advice,” Alana smiled,” While I was talking to Ruth, she helped me discover a new name for the good news: The Too Good To Be True News.” “I like that! We should share it with Art. It could be a great message!” Dallas excitedly replied. “That’s what I was thinking! So how did it go with that college student you were talking to?” she asked. “It went okay. Just pray for him. He seems to be in a tight spot, and doesn’t think Jesus is the answer,” Dallas explained. “I will. Do you want to witness some more?” Alana asked. “I thought you never ask!” Dallas smiled.

“Would anyone like to give their lives to Christ this morning? Don’t be self-conscious of the people around! This is the decision of a lifetime, and you cannot let people affect it! Jesus loves you! He died for you! Yes, come up! Today is the day you can be free of sin! What’s your ma’am? And who brought you here?” Art asked excitedly. “My name is Ruth. I was encouraged to come by a young lady named Alana,” Ruth answered. “Welcome to family of God!” Art shouted. “Welcome to family of God!” the whole congregation echoed. Alana walked up to the pulpit and gave Ruth a hug. “Welcome to the family of God,” Alana smiled.

Acts‬ ‭20:24 says,”But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” The Lord want us share the news, because it is too good to be true! It’s what we were put on this Earth to do. So share the too good to be true news, no matter what!


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